Friday, 25 September 2009

Theory Of A Music Video.

I have chosen to analyse Ignorance by Paramore.

I will analysis the video using the ideas developed and tested by Andrew Goodwin, Andrew Goodwin said that in order for a music video to be a music video it must follow these 6 key features:

1. the music video must demonstrate genre characteristics, for example rock music must have a live performance or have footage of the band on the road, or that a R n B based group must have a certain dance routine or background dancers within it.

2. the music video must have a relationship between the lyrics and the visual, and that link must be either illustrating – showing what the lyrics are saying, amplifying – really making the point that they lyrics are trying to make and contradicting – going against the lyrics. Example of the above could be:
Illustrating – Misery Business - Paramore.
Amplifying – Lady GaGa - Bad Romance.
Contradicting – Blink 181 - All The Small Things

3. the music video must have a relationship between the music and the visuals, meaning that video and music must correspond in some sense .e.g. if it was a rock genre the video wouldn’t show puppies or “mushy” elements, like the above point this will also be illustrating, amplifying or contradicting.

4. the demands of the record label will include the need for lots close ups of the artist and the artists may develop motifs which recur through out all videos, this then shows owner ship but also gives the artist a catch for people to recognise, it can then also be branded and used on products.

5. the music video must frequently reference the notion of looking, with particular attention paid to a more voyeuristic treatment of the female body, this then gives the watcher something to focus on6. Within the music video there are often intertexual references, to mediums such as films, television programs or other music videos.

6. Within the music video there are often intertexual references, to mediums such as films, television programs or other music videos.

I am now going to analyse my chosen video (Ignorance - Paramore) with reference to all of the six above theories placed by Andrew Goodwin.

1. the music video must demonstrate genre characteristics, for example rock music must have a live performance or have footage of the band on the road, or that a R n B based group must have a certain dance routine or background dancers within it:

Paramore have developed and every grwoing rock edge, which is often displayed by a lot of performance and rough cut edges. They have a stereotypical image of a Punk/Rock/Emo genre and are well suited to it. Typically relating to the rock genre, this video contains a strong element of rock scenes. With dark and fast editing used to the beat of the song, the band play contained in a box, with the lead singer, Hayley Williams, trying to draw attention to herself, but failing, which highlights the song name; 'Ignorance'. Typical scenes such as the performance element, headbanging and closeups on the insturments also demonstrate these common charactaristics. For visual aspects, the clothing of the band portays a typical rock sense, and the bright red hair and typically dark clothting also shows this.

2. the music video must have a relationship between the lyrics and the visual, and that link must be either illustrating – showing what the lyrics are saying, amplifying – really making the point that they lyrics are trying to make and contradicting – going against the lyrics. Example of the above could be:

At the beginning of this video, the visions of the video seems to be quite blurred, however after a while you figure out the point of the video, and you realise there is a strong relationship between both the audio and the visual. There is quite a bit of intertextual reference with the extracts of narration and juxtaposition of the light foucusing on one person. Reference between lyrics and visuals is quite strong, as the scopy of 'Ignorance' is foucsed on Hayley Williams (Lead Singer) holding a light to her face, in hope to draw attention from her other band members, linking in with the line "Ignorance is your new best friend". Other shots such as the lead singer dancing is an abstract outfit which could highlight her desperate attention to draw attention to herself and defy ignorance.

3. the music video must have a relationship between the music and the visuals, meaning that video and music must correspond in some sense .e.g. if it was a rock genre the video wouldn’t show puppies or “mushy” elements, like the above point this will also be illustrating, amplifying or contradicting.

This point is a bit harder to justify, as the genre of the song is obviously a rock song, however, some of the charactristics, effects and techniques used in the video are not those of a typical rock genre video. I think some aspects, such as a more conceptual outlook on the video, with themes including a lot more Mise En Scene (Hair, make-up and costume) whereas a typical rock video would contain 90% live performance shots. I do however think that this video would fit a Pop/Rock genre better. A good example of links between audio and visuals would be around the 1:10 mark on the video, where the lead singer starts to headbang to the beat of the music.

4. the demands of the record label will include the need for lots close ups of the artist and the artists may develop motifs which recur through out all videos, this then shows owner ship but also gives the artist a catch for people to recognise, it can then also be branded and used on products.

The only close up for a brand image or motif used in this video, is the flaming orange hair of the lead singer (Hayley Williams). The video starts off with Hayley standing up high, looking around the room feeling slightly confused. You start to get the feel of emotions from the artists, which would allow for the viewer to connect with the artist, giving a bit of a more abstract brand image. As far as motifs go, there are no particular movements, signals or visuals shown that can be branded as something to represent the band.

5. the music video must frequently reference the notion of looking, with particular attention paid to a more voyeuristic treatment of the female body, this then gives the watcher something to focus on. Within the music video there are often intertexual references, to mediums such as films, television programs or other music videos.

There is not a lot of reference to the notion of looking in this video, apart from frequent close ups and draw backs from particular band members. However there is a more voyeuristic outlook on the band. Seeing as Hayley Williams is the only female band member in the group and she starts high up, above the other band members. This could be reference the the fact that she is of higher authority than the other male band members, this could also symbolise some sort of hierarchy. This may also link to an idea that the girl is the prize because she is being shown higher up than the othe rband members.

6. Within the music video there are often intertexual references, to mediums such as films, television programs or other music videos.

There is not a lot of prominant and ovious intertextual reference to films, television and other music videos. However there is reference to artistic sources, with an example of the lead singer dancing in the abstract outfit in the box. There is also reference to a horror/thriller genre. All the way through the video there is reference to something relative to ignorance, but most of it is conceptual and not copied.

Overall I think that this is a good and successful theory to follow.

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