Thursday, 12 November 2009

Research on the band.

The band we chose to use for our music promo video is H2SO4. Below is a little bit of background information about the band

Songwriting is what H2S04 used to create its version of blending pop, rock, and technology into a sound that wails with raw energy. The band formed 30 miles outside of London in Kent when Graham Cupples (lead keyboardist and programmer), Darren Till (another keyboardist and programmer), and James Butler (vocals and bass) were experimenting with some remixes. At that time Cupples was leading Mortal and Code, both techno in style. Till played with Code and Butler was doing the vocals and bass for Lobster, which was previously known as Sulpher and expressed a more traditional style of rock. Mixing the three talents together created a reaction like H2SO4, the chemical symbol for originality, the chemical compound that burns you so smoothly you may not be aware its happening. The trio found they had created an area between electronica/techno and rock that was powerful and fluid.

We chose the song 'Little Soul' as this was a very popular club song used in gay bars and clubs across northern america. Also featured on the populary American hit TV series, Queer and Folk, this is a great 80's disco tune loved by almost everyone who heard it.

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